Game of Speaker's Chair
Bet you were wondering why #FiveWhiteGuys were going after Nancy Pelosi... Well, as usual, Mike has the answers. And, as usual, all you...
Going After Wall Street is Good Politics
Based on a lot of great research by political messaging gurus I respect, I am convinced that the best play for Democrats consists of...
The DC Centrist Democrat Spin Cycle
The votes aren’t even done being counted yet, but the classic post-election spin cycle from the Wall Street wing of the Democratic Party...
The Senate in 2018 and 2020, and What to Do About Red State Politics
There’s a lot of doom and gloom on the Democratic side about the Senate. Losing multiple Senate seats is rough, and not winning the Texas...
The Story Goes Ever Onward: the Hope and the Horror of 2018
Every election cycle is its own novel, and every one of these novels has a prequel and a sequel. 2018 was a doozy, but 2020 is going to...