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Joe Biden has been the greatest president of my lifetime. Now we have to win to keep his agenda alive.

I worked for two presidents, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, each of whom did their share of good things, and they stopped all kinds of Republican mischief from happening. Between them, they served 16 years in the White House.

Apologies to my old bosses, but in less than four years, President Biden did more for working people and for our country than everything Clinton and Obama were able to get done in those 16 years.

An economic recovery bill that was big and bold enough to actually make the economy recover. 

An infrastructure bill big enough to help rebuild our economy and fix ailing highways, roads, bridges, airports, and drinking water systems -- the biggest infrastructure investment since the Interstate Highway system in the 1950s.

An industrial policy that finally brought manufacturing jobs back to America in big numbers.

Legislation to make the drug companies finally negotiate prices with Medicare.

The biggest bill addressing climate change than any country has passed, ever.

A marriage equality bill.

A bill to help veterans dealing with toxic exposure to burn pits.

The first gun safety bill passed in 30 years.

Truly outstanding progressive and aggressive appointees to the FTC, SEC, DOJ Antitrust Division, the NLRB, OSHA, the Interior Department, and a host of other agencies.

More jobs created -- by far -- than any other presidential term in American history.

And of these things, maybe my favorite: the forgotten Factory Towns of America forgotten no more. Because of the Biden administration, the Factory Towns are coming back.

Vice-President Harris has helped the president every step of the way. She will continue and build on this stunning legacy. Now that this painful “will he or won’t he run” conversation is over, let’s get to work and win this thing. Let’s F’’king Go, gang!


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